My Cart

Uplift your business & achieve New Milestones

3000+ Products

We cover almost every products

1,000 +

Fastest growing seller network

Quick Payments

Quick & trustworthy payments

Please help us with the few documents needed to take your business online with us

Documents we need-


Register in few minutes

Register Now

Nothing Much !!!!! it’s just few step to follow

5 Simple Steps to Sell Online

  • What are you selling

    Let us know what are you selling e.g. products or services like teach me

    list your products

    uploading the products information

    list your services

    24*7 help

  • Product Photoshoot & catalogue designing

    We help you getting the photoshoot done to your location by the professionals at

    lowest cost possible

    Photoshoot partners near you

    Catalogue designing help

    Writing products info’s

  • Sell to your customers

    Connect & sell your products & services with the customers looking to buy your products

    Unleash your product potential

    Meet the new customers

    Sell 24*7 sitting at your home

    Advertising and promotions done for you

  • Easy shipping

    Ship your product to the customer’s doorstep with no more headache

    Packaging designing assistance

    Easy shipping

  • Fulfil your dreams

    Increase your business revenue

    Increase your reach

    Enjoy success


Kwiklly Seller Family

Do you have thought of several milestones those were far away from your reach with the high investments procedures? Now we made it really possible with the selling opportunities with us.

we are one of the fastest growing meal kit & grocery delivery services and a destination for vendor, manufacturer, small businesses or supplier to simply sell your products and services while sitting back at their home and chilling with no more hiccups.

We made the chef’dkart a preferred place to sell their products & services to one of the fastest growing customer hub made your neighbourhood cities offering fast & stress free shipping services, secure and timely payments, professional help to seller with maximum ease in every step to make their business flourish.

Our seller is very important asset to the our chef’dkart seller family.